University of New South Wales

Guy Marks is a respiratory physician and epidemiologist and a public health physician. He has led the Respiratory and Environmental Epidemiology group at the Woolcock since 1997. The major focus of his research interest is lung health with specific focus on airways disease, air pollution and tuberculosis. He also has a strong commitment to capacity building for lung health research.
Image of Bin Jalaludin
Bin Jalaludin is an environmental epidemiologist with extensive experience in air pollution epidemiology. He investigated the effects of the 1994 bushfires on emergency department visits for asthma and on children’s lung function and respiratory symptoms. He has also investigated the acute effects of bushfires on hospitalisations and deaths. As well as the effects of bushfires, He has extensive experience in designing and conducting studies investigating the effects of urban air pollution on human health.
Image of Joy
Joy Tripovich is an Operations and Strategy Manager at the Centre for Safe Air and has more than 10 years of experience in this role. In this capacity she provides strategic and operational advice to the centre and is also involved in the development of training and funding initiatives. Joy is also a researcher and examines the impact of heatwaves and air quality changes on the behaviour and health of animals.
Image of Christine
Christine Cowie is an environmental epidemiologist and Senior Research Fellow with the UNSW South West Sydney Clinical School and the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (WIMR). She has a broad environmental health background having worked in state and local government in environmental health policy and practice positions, and more recently in academia and research. Her major research focus is in quantifying the health effects of air pollution exposures and developing appropriate tools for exposure measurement. She has also led air pollution monitoring campaigns for individual projects including the Lane Cove tunnel Health Study and the Air Pollution, Mortality and Morbidity in Australian Adults (APMMA) Study, as well as for smaller seed funding grants. She has a special interest in understating the effects of urban exposures particularly traffic related air pollution, and more recently, woodsmoke pollution, un under-recognised but highly significant urban source of pollution. Additional research interests include the effects of indoor emissions from gas appliances, and investigating the potential for health impacts associated with energy transitions.

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